You are what you love - Jenny jenny jenny lewiss

'im fraudulent, a thief at best
a coward who paints a bullshit canvas
things that will never happen to me
but at arms length, it's tim who said
i'm good at it, i've mastered it
avoiding, avoiding everything
but you are what you love, tim
and not what loves you back
and i'm in love with illusions
so saw me in half
i'm in love with tricks
so pull another rabbit out of your hat
Postat av: Gunnar
Jag maste saga att jag tycker om din blogg ocksa. Det sager jag inte for att du sa en fin sak om min blogg, jag skulle inte gora det, utan for fikakvoten ar grymt lag. Keep up the good work!
Forresten, har jag nagonsin traffat dig eller hittade du bara min blogg sjukt random?